About Glitz Life Care:
Glitz Life Care is the fastest-growing nutraceutical manufacturing company. This unit has a raw material store, packing material store, finished goods store, Quality control department, Quality Assurance Department, microbiology, research, and development department, production department, procurement department, Hr. department accounts department, distribution, and finance department. Glitz life care is iso 9001 certified company.
Quality control departments and production departments have well-defined pieces of equipment like HPLC, GC, etc. Quality assurance and quality control departments are involved in each step of manufacturing. Raw material received is checked by QC through getting sample by QA inspector after receiving a certificate of analysis. The same procedure is for packing material. When the sample is approved by QC then it is tagged APPROVED. If this is rejected by QC then it is tagged REJECTED.
After getting approval of raw and packing materials BMR is raised for batch manufacturing. Batch is entered in software and formulation should be same as in software and cross-checked and signed by production pharmacist, QA manager, production manager, plant manager.
When powder or syrup has been mixed according to standard manufacturing procedure and standard operating procedure, the sample of bulk powder or liquid is sent to QC by the QA inspector.
After getting released powder or liquid is shifted to the filling area and filling is started after getting line clearance. All the steps involved are monitored and checked by the quality assurance department to maintain the quality of the product. R & D department always remains busy in research and development of new products and solving problems of in-process batches.
Proper HVAC is installed throughout all Glitz life care plants to maintain the required temperature and humidity. Glitz life care is the fastest-growing nutraceutical company and expanding its business in foreign countries also. Export products are also being registered.
Glitz Life Care is a nutraceutical plant situated at plot number 265, industrial triangle kahuna Road, Islamabad. Glitz life care has six sections one is topical and five sections are oral.
- Syrup section.
- Sachet section.
- Powder section.
- Capsule section
- Tablet section
- Cream section.
The equipment list along with machine capacity is as below.
We serve our customers all over the country and also out of the country.
Glitz Life Care has more than 50 products registered and a few registrations are in progress. Some of our prominent brands are as follows: