Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body: it represents 1 to 2 % of our bodyweight (1 to 1.5 kg) found at 99 % in the bones and the teeth. Besides its obvious function in the structure and the robustness of these tissues, Calcium is also involved in muscle contraction, neurons activity and blood coagulation.

Important for maintenance of Bone health

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body: it represents 1 to 2 % of our bodyweight (1 to 1.5 kg) found at 99 % in the bones and the teeth. Besides its obvious function in the structure and the robustness of these tissues, Calcium is also involved in muscle contraction, neurons activity and blood coagulation.

As strong and solid as it is, the bone tissue is not a fixed but a dynamic structure: old bone tissue is constantly replaced by new one. This is achieved through active bone degradation, release of the Calcium in the blood circulation and reabsorption in newly-formed bone matrix.

Several factors can negatively influence circulating Calcium levels: unbalanced diets, age, lactation, menopause, use of glucocorticoids as well as of laxative. A small portion of Calcium is also naturally excreted in the urine. To compensate for decreasing blood Calcium levels, bone is degraded to release Calcium. This is why a constant supply of Calcium through the diet is primordial.

Not only is the total amount of ingested Calcium important to keep strong bones, muscles and nerves: from the food to the bones, Calcium follows a complex path. Without the help of two vitamins this would not even be possible.

  • from the food to the blood: dietary Calcium is absorbed at the level of the intestine, by a specific transporter which is stimulated by Vitamin D3. This vitamin is further on responsible for the blood balance of Calcium and Phosphate meant for bone formation.
  • From the blood to the bone: circulating Calcium is brought to the bone matrix by proteins like osteocalcin.
  • Vitamin C is a vitamin. Some animals can make their own vitamin C, but people must get this vitamin from food and other sources. Good sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits.


The right combination!
The Calcium, Vitamin D & vitamin C
present in Kal Bone Plus sachet constitute the ideal combination to reach Calcium recommended daily intakes and ensure an optimal Calcium integration into the bones.


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